What is community-based tourism?
Community based tourism (CBT) is a form of tourism that seeks to empower communities to manage tourism growth and achieve community aspirations relating to their well-being. CBT not only involves a partnership between tourism businesses and the community to deliver benefits to both, but also involves community (and external) support for small tourism enterprises (ASEAN Community-Based Tourism Standard, 2016).
Quanba taigoo provides homestay services, meals, cultural experience tours, cycling, medicinal baths, trekking and exploring. The cooperative is supported by local government and ActionAid International in Vietnam (AAV). Through activities supported by AAV, members and staff of Quanba taigoo have completed training in professional room service, food safety, reception skills, tour guiding skills, promotion and customer service.
Volunteer with us
Are you looking to give back to your global community and assist us in building our social enterprise? We welcome volunteers with skills in marketing, eco-tourism services, customer service, English language training or business development. Please contact Quanba Taigoo for more information: taigooquanba@gmail.com
Donate to us
We welcome donations to Quanba Taigoo cooperative to assist us in strengthening our social enterprise through community-based tourism. Accommodation and tourism services are the backbone of our social enterprise, with Can Ty Linen Cooperative an important component. Currently, we are fundraising to assist the women’s cooperative to buy more sewing machines and supplies to meet the demand for H’mong linen products. We appreciate your donation to our cause: https://fundrazr.com/21UYQd?ref=ab_883ZT5